Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Updated Tour Schedule

Fri. October 26th – Calgary Launch of Thumbscrews

Pages Books, 1135 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, AB, 7:30pm

Natalie Zina Walschots

Sun. October 28th – Calgary to Montreal depart 1:10am arrive 4:10am (7:10 local)

(travel time: 4 hours)

1st Montreal Reading

Coach House Books Montreal Fall Launch

The Green Room, The Green Room, 5386 St. Laurent, Montreal, QC, 7:30 p.m.

Snare Books: Natalie Zina Walschots, ryan fitzpatrick, and Jay MillAr

Coach House: Jessica Westhead, Cara Hedley, David McGimpsey, Sarah Lang and Greg MacArthur

Vehicule Press: Andrew Hood

Mon. October 29th -- 2nd Montreal Reading

Paragraphe Bookstore, 2220 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, QC 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Tues. October 30th – Montreal to Quebec City depart 12:30pm arrive 3:30pm (travel time: 3 hours)

Quebec City Reading

La Maison Anglaise

Wed. October 31st – Quebec City to Montreal depart 1pm arrive 4pm

(travel time: 3 hours)

Thurs. November 1st – Montreal to Ottawa depart 10am arrive 12 noon

(travel time: 2 hours)

Ottawa reading

Max Middle's A B reading series

Art Gallery of the Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa ON 7:30pm - 9:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, and William Neil Scott

Fri. November 2nd – Ottawa to Toronto depart 12:30pm arrive 5pm

(travel time: 4 ½ hours)

Mon. November 5th – Indiepolitik: Strong Words reading series

The Gladstone Art Bar (1214 Queen Street West, Toronto ON) 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, Jay MillAr and William Neil Scott

Wednesday, November 7th Toronto to Windsor depart 12 noon arrive 4pm

(travel time: 4 hours)


hursday, November 8th 1st Windsor reading

The Oak Room, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON 3pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Friday November 9th 2nd Windsor reading

Milk Bar, 68 University Ave. West, Windsor, ON 7:00 pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sun. November 11th Windsor to London depart 10am arrive 11:40am

(travel time 1 hr 40 mins)

London to Winnipeg depart 1:30pm arrive 4pm (local)

(travel time 2/12 hours)

Tues. November 13th Winnipeg Reading

Aqua Books 89 Princess Street Winnipeg MB 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, William Neil Scott

(and local writer or muscial guest?)

Wed. November 14th Winnipeg to Saskatoon departs 5pm arrives 2am (Nov. 15th) (travel time 9 hours)

Thurs. November 15th -- Saskatoon reading

McNally Robinson 3130 8th Street East Saskatoon, SK 8:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sat. November 17th Saskatoon to Edmonton departs 2:30am arrives 8am

(travel time 6 ½ hours)

Edmonton Reading

Remedy Cafe, 8631 109 Street NW, Edmonton, AB 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Mon. November 19th Edmonton to Vancouver depart 9am arrive 8am (Nov. 20th) (travel time 23 hours)

Sat. November 24th Vancouver to Victoria (ferry) (travel time: 1 ½ hours)

Victoria reading

Sun. Nov. 25th Victorial to Vancouver (ferry) 7am, 9am or 11am

Vancouver to Calgary depart 2pm arrive 4:20pm (local) (travel time 1 hour 20 minutes)

November 29th-30th ryan fitzpatrick's book launch

December 1st or 2nd - Pirates, Burlesque, S&M, and Math

Ship & Anchor

December 7-8 Calgary Extravanganza

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, William Neil Scott, Cara Hedley, Brea Burton, Jill Hartman, derek beaulieu, Glen Dresser, Riley Rossmo, Robert Majzels, Claire Huot, Diane Guichon,

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Tour Schedule so Far

Fri. October 26th – Calgary Launch of Thumbscrews
Pages Books, 1135 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, AB, 7:30pm
Natalie Zina Walschots

Sun. October 28th – Calgary to Montreal depart 1:10am arrive 4:10am (7:10 local)
(travel time: 4 hours)
Coach House Books Montreal Fall Launch
The Green Room, The Green Room, 5386 St. Laurent, Montreal, QC, 7:30 p.m.
Snare Books: Natalie Zina Walschots, ryan fitzpatrick, and Jay MillAr
Coach House: Jessica Westhead, Cara Hedley, David McGimpsey, Sarah Lang and Greg MacArthur
Vehicule Press: Andrew Hood

Tues. October 30th – Montreal to Quebec City depart 12:30pm arrive 3:30pm
(travel time: 3 hours)

Wed. October 31st – Quebec City to Montreal depart 1pm arrive 4pm
(travel time: 3 hours)

Thurs. November 1st – Montreal to Ottawa depart 10am arrive 12 noon
(travel time: 2 hours)
Ottawa reading
Max Middle's A B reading series
Art Gallery of the Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa ON 7:30pm - 9:30pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, and William Neil Scott

Fri. November 2nd – Ottawa to Toronto depart 12:30pm arrive 5pm
(travel time: 4 ½ hours)

Monday, November 3rd -- Indiepolitik: Strong Words reading series

The Gladstone Art Bar, 1214 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON 7:30pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Jay MillAr, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Wednesday, November 7th Toronto to Windsor depart 12 noon arrive 4pm
(travel time: 4 hours)

Thursday, November 8th 1st Windsor reading
The Oak Room, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON 3pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Friday November 9th 2nd Windsor reading
Milk Bar, 68 University Ave. West, Windsor, ON 7:00 pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sun. November 11th Windsor to London depart 10am arrive 11:40am
(travel time 1 hr 40 mins)
London to Winnipeg depart 1:30pm arrive 4pm (local)
(travel time 2/12 hours)

Wed. November 14th Winnipeg to Saskatoon departs 5pm arrives 2am (Nov. 15th)
(travel time 9 hours)

Thursday November 15th Saskatoon Reading

McNally Robinson Saskatoon, 3130 8th Street East, Saskatoon, SK 8:30pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sat. November 17th Saskatoon to Edmonton departs 2:30am arrives 8am
(travel time 6 ½ hours)

Mon. November 19th Edmonton to Vancouver depart 9am arrive 8am (Nov. 20th)
(travel time 23 hours)

Sat. November 24th Vancouver to Victoria (ferry)
(travel time: 1 ½ hours)

Sun. Nov. 25th Victorial to Vancouver (ferry) 7am, 9am or 11am

Vancouver to Calgary depart 2pm arrive 4:20pm (local)
(travel time 1 hour 20 minutes)

Thurs. Nov. 29th End-of-Tour Celebration