Monday, November 19, 2007

The Calgary Extravanganza

filling Station Magazine and the Snaring the New West Tour are thrilled to announce:

The Calgary Extravanganza!

This fall has been an incredible season for Calgary authors. No less than twelve local authors have launched books just in the last few weeks. Please join us as we celebrate all the recent success in the Calgary literary community with a marathon reading.

The Calgary Extravaganza will take place from 7pm to 10pm on December 8th at Lunchbox Theatre ( 2nd Level, Bow Valley Square, 229, 205-5th Ave SW).

Readers include:

derek beaulieu -- Flatland (Information as Material)
Brea Burton and Jill Hartman - Booty: Hurricane Jane and Typhoon Mary (The Mercury Press)
Glen Dresser - Correction Road (Oberon Press)
ryan fitzpatrick - Fake Math (Snare Books)
Diane Guichon - Birch Split Bark (Nightwood Editions)
Cara Hedley - Twenty Miles (Coach House Books)
Claire Huot - The Prison Tangram (The Mercury Press)
Robert Majzels - The Humbugs Diet (The Mercury Press)
Riley Rossmo - Proof (Image)
William Neil Scott - Wonderfull (NeWest Press)
Natalie Zina Walschots - Thumbscrews (Snare Books)

Thank you for all your support and we can't wait to see you there.
Reply to all

Sunday, November 18, 2007

back in the air

Thank you all for your support and understanding over the last few days. It has meant the world to us.

I am meeting up with ryan and Neil on Tuesday the 20th, and will be able to keep all the Victoria/Vancouver commitments. I've missed the tour very badly and am thrilled to be on the road again.

See you soon,


Saturday, November 17, 2007


Ariel Gordon attended our reading in Winnipeg and has reviewed of our performance here.

The Edmonton Journal has a story up about us here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Yesterday, November 13th, Ed's mom passed away.

Thank you so much for you wishes, kind words, and prayers. The flood of support has been completely overwhelming and wonderful.

I am back in Windsor; ryan and Neil have gone on to Saskatoon. I am not sure when or if I can join them, but I will let them and everyone know as soon as I possibly can.



Sunday, November 11, 2007

Schmutz Residence and the Milk Bar

We give my favourite performance of the whole tour to an audience of two: Ed and his mom, in her living room, while she sits in her recliner, rapt. She was too ill to come to the readings, so we brought the readings to her. Neil reads the first ten pages and I suddenly see him, peering over his glasses, as the storyteller he is above all else. ryan reads a long piece for the first time – “social pedagogies” – and its vulnerability and eloquence is stunning. I can feel the power in my diaphragm and know I’m doing well. Ed and his mom have a little fight over the tea and she pushes him over, I mop up the spill and giggle.

I get through to Jon, who is giddy and agrees to send as many more
copies of the book as he can – probably 30 – on to Winnipeg ahead of me, I learn that I have received my first review and it is glowing (if a little squirrely). Read it here.

We do and interview with Sue Baccarro for the arts publication she works for, which degenerates into Neil, ryan and I getting very academic and writery and talking for a very long time. It feels very good. I get some things straight. Almost too late, we change into superheroes and head to the Milk Bar, picking up Shawarma on the way.

As soon as we get to the Milk Bar, my stomach locks up and I give my falafel away. I want to throw up. The Bar slowly fills with family and friends. Kark Jirgens comes out to represent the English department. Misty and Todd, whom I haven’t seen in 3 years, come to stand in for the old workshop guard, Aunts and uncles come, Gennie’s mom and two sisters are there. I can feel myself starting to come apart,

We rope Ed into hosting and he almost makes me cry. Ryan reads “social pedagogies” again when I ask him to, pairs it with some shorter snappier pieces and gets his jab-jab-uppercut on, Neil reads the second half of Radio Drama and it goes over like gangbusters. I talk a bit. Reveal the tattoo. Dedicate my performance to my parents. I don’t stutter too much, It feels good.

And it’s over. My brother sells books. Lots of people sign out tour books. I have some rye and coke. I try to visit a little with everyone and feel like a great weight is lifted. Everyone loves our performances, it seems, Compliments bounce off my face like pellets of hail. It feels like we’ve won something. It feels fantastic.

I buy another Shawarma, one I can actually eat. We go back to Mike’s place, drink, play Guitar Hero again. ryan and I talk about some new poems he’s working on, stuff he might read at the end of the tour and it is good to talk about the writing, to feel like working even while celebrating, I eventually fall asleep leaning against Ed s he strums out “Cliffs of Dover” on a plastic guitar.

It’s not home for me, not anymore, but it feels good to have Windsor’s blessing. The halfway point. Into the depths of the prairie we go, triumphant.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Windsor is a tangle of despair factories. Ed meets us at the train station and I can tell he is at home. We arrive at my parents’ place and they are vibrating with excitement. My dad has framed copies of the poster for each of us and my mom has painted shirts to correspond to our superhero logos. My brother looks fantastic. We are swarmed with affection.

The next day, we perform in a building at the U of W that didn’t exist when I was there last. I realize I started my undergrad 7 years ago and shudder, The room is lovely – we’ve had great luck with venues this whole tour – and the room quickly fills, standing room only. So many people are here to see us. I start to freak out.

Daphne Marlatt reads first. Her tone is excellent the whole way through – ryan notes that she has been performing for many years and it shows. The last two pieces she reads are excellent – pieces modeled on the practice of walking meditation. The attention the physicality in the pieces, the sound and rhythm, hit me just right. They’re very new to her, and feel a bit like exercises, or unfinished, but they’re going to be spectacular.

Neil reads first, and is great. It is the piece about Ester Anson’s house, and this time it is the party in the pines, dancing on doors that strikes me. I sneeze right at the climax and the whole room laughs, I lose all credibility. I perform and it is good, but I am very nervous and too fast. I crack a few jokes about my mom and Mima being in the audience to cover. The boys see through it. Ryan reads again from the death and destruction suite and blows me out of the water.

I am swarmed and scattered after the performance. I am trying to talk to too many people, receive too many hugs, plan the rest of the day and my head comes dangerously close to exploding.

It is also now that I realize I am running out of books, somehow that extra 50 isn’t enough. I have a small panic attack.

Then we eat dinner at May Wah. I get to see Nicole and Susan, even Dilworth drops by. We got back to my parents’ place. Kendra, Mike, Meaghen, Kacy, CJ and Chad join us. We play Guitar Hero and I feel better.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ghosts of York and Jay MillAr rise again

The reading at York turns out to be another first – the maiden voyage of the Egress series run by Andy Weaver. Andy, of course, comes down with that begins as a flu and turns in to a laryngitis and bronchitis cocktail. His doctor orders 48 hours of bed rest and no talking, so Stephen Cain hosts the reading. He’s all dry wit, but warm.

This turns out to be the one and only opportunity that the 3 Snare authors – me, Jay MillAr and ryan Fitzpatrick – perform together. Ryan is stellar. His patter develops, conveys some of the passion he has for the book. He reads a combination of longer and shorter pieces, strikes a whammy of a balance. The shorter pieces, glib and hard, lull you into expecting it all to be light and funny and pointy, and then the longer pieces are a suckerpunch buffet. He read form the “death and destruction” suite, some of the funniest and most uncomfortable material in the book. I remember how much I love the line “I hate ethnic; I like orange drink.”

Jay reads a lot of non-book material – chapbooks, a long set from a longer string of poems examining the general malaise of customer service. When he does read from the book, he asks the audience to call out number between 1 and 79 and reads whatever is on the corresponding page. The audience resists the participation.

The Q&A afterwards is really only 2 questions the three Snares answer together at length. I get to talk about the specifics of the constraints I employ, and that’s fun. Then we munch on cookies, drink some juice or coffee, and spend an interminable length of time on the TTC.

We all have dinner at Tabule. There is white wine and spectacular hummus, labne and tawuk. Later, ryan, Neil, Emily, Gennie, angela rawlings, Jenny Sampirisi, Aaron and I all wind up at Gennie’s apartment. We sing, listen to music videos, drink, and read tea leaves. Angela has notes form our performances, excellent and difficult questions. We try to name Jenny’s book and actually find the tabs to My Belruel. Jenny, angela, ryan and Aaron eventually leave before the subways stop running and after Neil goes to bed Gennie, Emily and I lay on the futon and talk, There is power in having us together again. Emily stays the night and it feels so good to have all the pieces of myself reassembled for just a few hours.

We will blog. I swear to god.

We're in Windsor. Hopefully we will find some time to blog more than this sentence. Molemen and Ghosts to come. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

of indies and politiks

We take tea with a whole coven of witches. I am home. I love Toronto; the city holds me anonymously, has a beautiful dirty grayness that feels like it has always just rained. The book stores and comic shops empty and fill me. Grilled cheese at the Stem. My girls, my gorgeous magical friends who I love as much as my own limbs and more. One day I’ll come home for good.

We read at the Green Room as part of the third season of Indiepolitik’s Strong Words reading series. We’re in the Art Bar, one of the other, more different bars buried deep in the Gladstone. Matt Blair bustles about and hosts like a champ. Moez is happy to see us as an old friend. And old friends come: Cindy and Andrew drive up from Guelph, Jessica and Tom manage to sneak away from their babies for the performance, Mike Davis (who I haven’t seen in years) and Katie drive an hour and a half in the rain. It is so good to meet Mark Truscott and Paul Hegedus. It’s is so good to see angela and Jordan again, I am overwhelmed.

At the Green Room performance I feel fort he first time that we are not three discrete artists doing our own disparate things, but a unit. We are a show. We heckle and play off each other, start feeling out a schtick. Both ryan and Neil read brilliantly; I am again reminded of how honoured I am to share all these stages with them. Neil reads the funereal. It’s the first time I hear him read this piece and it’s excellent. I meet the original Garfaxians and it all makes a little more sense.

Jay MillAr is absent and we worry; he comes home to a flood of calls and emails. He apologizes profusely and we’re all just happy he’s okay.

Gennie makes us more tea. Emily tells Neil the future. I am so glad that my friends meet and love my friends.

Friday, November 2, 2007

A Parliament of

A giant metal spider attacks the art gallery, one malevolent eye on the parliament buildings. There is something lovely and cruelly amiss about the flying butresses of Notre Dame. There are lakes and moats here, warning signs and damp moss. A sky the colour of my hair.

My billet has the flu, and is an incredibly display of generosity books me a night at a B&B (the house know as Echo Bank House, built by Hayes, the first governor of Scotiabank). ryan stays with Pearl Pirie in a top floor condo with a wrap-around view of the city. Neil stays in a spare room from another part of house where Max rents his apartment. The former tenant of the room stacked televisions of top of each other, made a mural of luna moths and ripped up the carpet after

We read in an art gallery in City Hall, the first performers in the new AB series or readings and lectures Max Middle curates. Max wears his Host Shirt and showers us with small kindnesses. There are about 30 audience members, so well behaved we become nervous at the lack of heckling.

At a pub afterwards, of course, had an excellent conversation and passable Caesar wrap. Charles Earl took killer pictures. Made many friends and heard of someone saying terrible things behind our backs (which was funnier than it was cruel). A half litre of white wine is just enough.

Morning full of eggs and sunrise. Back to the train station 24 hours after we arrived feels comfortable.

Amanda Earl and Pearl Pirie were awesome enough to review our performances. There's another review here. Give them a look-see.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Ghost Story

Quebec City is beset by a plague. It is a secret plague. We were uniquely qualified to uncovered this terrible secret, coming home in the small hours of the morning, hearing and seeing things more logical minds would pass by.

300 years ago, ghosts were unleashed upon Quebec. They are vague shades now, leaving sad orange smears on the buildings as they float through. 200 years ago, the vampires came (though they are mostly extinct now. The few that remain sleep with their clothes on.). Nearly 100 years ago, the most terrible plague yet visited the fairest Canadian City: Molemen. We encountered these creatures peripherally, scratching beneath the floorboards, eating holes in the streets and foundations, chittering malevolently in the night.

No one knows what terrible plague will come next.

So the citizens of Quebec dig. They dig deep and often. They are looking for something, someone long buried: They are looking for Champlain.

Each year that Champlain's body remains lost in the city, Quebec suffers. For every hundred years that he is lost, a new plague arrives. But when he is finally found, Quebec will be saved.

For on that day, Zombie Champlain will finally rise and lead Quebec to victory over the Molemen, and the city will be free.

Schedule Update

The reading we are giving in Vancouver at Cafe Montmartre has been moved from November 22nd to November 23rd. Same time, same place. Come out and see us rock the west coast.

Day 6: Thursday, November 1, 2007

I spend the morning lugging my suitcase and a box of books through the metro to to train station where we leave for Ottawa. Montreal must be a terrible place for people in wheelchairs as the metro doesn't seem very accessible (something you notice when rolling a sizeable mass through a train station).

At this point it feels like we've been at this for a month already. We cross into Ontario around noon.

Day 5: October 31, 2007

Neil notices that Montreal must be at peace with a certain level of urban decay. Older buildings look like they might blow away in the wind. Graffiti is constantly present.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Paragraphe Books, October 29th

We expected the attendance for this reading to be sparse, since it was a Monday night and the Green Room reading had pulled such a crowd the night before. We were correct in this assumption. However, the crowd that we got (featuring Cara Hedley, Jani Krulc, Mari Maimets, Andrew Hood, Alan Reed, and a couple of creative writing students form Concordia) was excellent.

Paragraphe Bookstore was quite good to us. They had free food! and wine! the pitas were particularly pillowy. Then an old man came and ate it all, complaining that there wasn't any red wine for him to punk.

Jani did a great job as our impromptu MC. I read sections from "six degrees of e-volition," which I don't read often, so it was fun to play around with it a bit in a no-pressure environment. ryan read "Sparrow-Song," one of the longer pieces in Fake Math, in honour of Dave McGimpsey's classically inspired pieces the night before. the more time I spend around ryan and Fake Math, the more certain I become that the longer pieces in that book are the best pieces. The shorter, snappier pieces are the most immediately memorable, the most characteristic of the book perhaps, while the longer pieces tend to be gentler and more devastating as a result -- I don't armour up against the glib. Neil read most of the chapter "Radio Drama," I piece I have heard 3 times before. Something happens to Neil about halfway through this piece, where the audience disappears, and it's just him and the text. He's carried along by it and his voice and face change. This time, it really got the better of him. great fun to watch.

Afterwards, I had a good chat with a Concordia CW student, Tara, who really dug the poetry. It incredibly rewarding to have someone who had no idea who you were a moment ago approach and initiate a conversation about your writing. I think i could really get behind this rockstar thing.

We wound up at a shockingly good szechuan/thai place that had lovely spicy pad thai, very good soup with the tenderest of beefs and the largest chicken wings in all the land. I also found a new Argentinian white that I love. Soon, none of my pants will fit and my liver will divorce me.

On the train now, heading to Quebec City for a reading tonight that I really hope someone attends. Either way, the old city is going to be beautiful.

Day 2: Monday, October 29, 2007

Montreal is a city filled with terrible magicks. Brother Andre's beatified heart sits in St. Joseph's oratory waiting for its final miracle. Stairways wrap around buildings like vines. Architecture sharply moves from the old to the new, where train platforms are somewhere between cathedrals and factories.


It takes most of the day to find each other as we are staying at different billets: Neil at Jani's, Natalie at Amelie's, and myself at Colin and Ashleigh's. Natalie and I meet at the Guy-Concordia station with hopes of picking up the remaining books from Jon Paul. We make our way to the Concordia Library building to visit the Matrix office, where, since no one is home, I leave a note next to the covers of our books:




We retrace our steps back to Jani's where we meet Neil, who, upon getting our message bout meeting at Concordia, has promptly taken a cab ride to and from downtown. We stumble down the street Santropol, where we enjoy sandwiches.

Day 1: Sunday, October 28, 2007

We arrive to an overhead view of neatly arranged boxes. Montreal is an erector set cut sharply by river, the sun rising over the city as we descend. Natalie and I are on one plane, and Neil, departing an hour earlier and arriving one hour later, is on another. Exhausted, Natalie and I meet Neil at the baggage claim after a round of tasty orange juice. After Neil's cigarette, we find a cab to take us to Jani's. The driver avoids hitting the brake at red lights to run up our fare, something Neil and I both notice.

Jani's apartment is a cave. The window faces a brick wall, letting in very little natural light. Outside one door is a charming balcony. The walls of the main room are accented with moulding and hotel-like fixtures. Natalie sets up the inflata-bed and quickly goes to sleep in an attempt to be, as Natalie says, "the most boring houseguests ever." Neil and Jani smoke on the balcony, while Natalie and I trade incoherencies in an attempt to get some sleep before the first reading.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Auspicious Beginning

Just before I left on tour, someone (god I was drunk at the time -- was it Paul or ryan?) told me that Calgary audience's were the best audiences in Canada. They were right.

Montreal came pretty damn close, though.

We read at the Green Room to a packed house -- early in the night Jon counted 87 guests, but there were a lot more by the time the readings got started. The vibe in the room was positive and rowdy and properly irreverent. It was an auspicious beginning.

Also, all the readers were fucking amazing. Every last one.

Highlights: Andrew Hood tender suckerpunch of a piece about ghosts; Jessica Whitehead's *stellar* performance from Pulpy & Midge that featured duelling bone piles; ryan starting all glib and clever, playful jabs that ended with an uppercut that split more than one tongue in half; Cara Hedley bringing together newfies and Hooters; and Dave McGimpsey's piece about an old cop sitcom that snuck up on me and broke into a soft squishy part of me I will continue to deny exists.

We endeed up at the Copacabana, or course. Neil and Andrew Hood struck up a bromance, ryan sparred with Mike Spry, I caught up with a dear old friend, and JPF looked terribly proud of himself, as rightly he should be. Beer was spilled. Arms were wrestled. My poutine virginity was lost.

I fell into bed a little after 3am. I awoke to the buzz and froth of a cappuccino machine (bliss!)

In the early afternoon, over epic sandwiches, the Three of us agreed that we couldn't have conjured a better beginning, notn with all the dark power of Montreal's strange majicks at our disposal.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

At last! FAKE LAUNCH! November 30!

To celebrate the end of the ambitious "Snaring the New West" book tour and the release of ryan fitzpatrick's first trade collection of poetry, you are invited to bask in the glowing, warming, warming glow of FAKE MATH, a book that attempts to interrogate the profit motive and the ways in which it affects and controls our lives. FAKE MATH has been hailed (by ryan's good friend Chris Blais in a private email) as "F-ing Genius": a claim that may or may not be true. Only you can attend the launch to validate or disprove these claims!

When: Friday, November 30, 2007 7:30pm

Where: Birds and Stone Performance Theatre
204 16th Ave NW, (in the basement of the Unitarian Church of Calgary)

Cost: Free!

This event is open to the public and is all-ages.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The (Mostly) FINAL Tour Schedule

Sun. October 14th – Calgary Launch of Wonderfull

The Auburn Saloon, 7pm

William Neil Scott

Fri. October 26th – Calgary Launch of Thumbscrews

Pages Books, 1135 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, AB, 7:30pm

Natalie Zina Walschots

Sun. October 28th – Calgary to Montreal depart 1:10am arrive 4:10am (7:10 local)

(travel time: 4 hours)

1st Montreal Reading

Coach House Books Montreal Fall Launch

The Green Room, The Green Room, 5386 St. Laurent, Montreal, QC, 7:30 p.m.

Snare Books: Natalie Zina Walschots, ryan fitzpatrick, and Jay MillAr

Coach House: Jessica Westhead, Cara Hedley, David McGimpsey, Sarah Lang and Greg MacArthur

Vehicule Press: Andrew Hood

Mon. October 29th -- 2nd Montreal Reading

Paragraphe Bookstore, 2220 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, QC 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Tues. October 30th – Montreal to Quebec City depart 12:30pm arrive 3:30pm (travel time: 3 hours)

Quebec City Reading

La Maison Anglaise/The Morrin Centre, 44 chaussée des Écossais, 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Wed. October 31st – Quebec City to Montreal depart 1pm arrive 4pm

(travel time: 3 hours)

Thurs. November 1st – Montreal to Ottawa depart 10am arrive 12 noon

(travel time: 2 hours)

Ottawa reading

Max Middle's A B reading series

Art Gallery of the Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa ON 7:30pm - 9:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, and William Neil Scott

Fri. November 2nd – Ottawa to Toronto depart 12:30pm arrive 5pm

(travel time: 4 ½ hours)

Mon. November 5th – Indiepolitik: Strong Words reading series

The Gladstone Art Bar (1214 Queen Street West, Toronto ON) 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, Jay MillAr and William Neil Scott

Tues. November 6th -- 2nd Toronto Reading

York University, 2pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, Jay MillAr and William Neil Scott ?

Wednesday, November 7th Toronto to Windsor depart 12 noon arrive 4pm

(travel time: 4 hours)

Thursday, November 8th ---- 1st Windsor reading

The Oak Room, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON 3pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Friday November 9th -- 2nd Windsor reading

Milk Bar, 68 University Ave. West, Windsor, ON 7:00 pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sun. November 11th -- Windsor to London depart 10am arrive 11:40am

(travel time 1 hr 40 mins)

London to Winnipeg depart 1:30pm arrive 4pm (local)

(travel time 2/12 hours)

Tues. November 13th -- Winnipeg Reading

Aqua Books 89 Princess Street Winnipeg MB 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, William Neil Scott

Wed. November 14th -- Winnipeg to Saskatoon departs 5pm arrives 2am (Nov. 15th) (travel time 9 hours)

Thurs. November 15th -- Saskatoon reading

McNally Robinson 3130 8th Street East Saskatoon, SK 8:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sat. November 17th -- Saskatoon to Edmonton departs 2:30am arrives 8am

(travel time 6 ½ hours)

Edmonton Reading

Remedy Cafe, 8631 109 Street NW, Edmonton, AB 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Mon. November 19th -- Edmonton to Vancouver depart 9am arrive 8am (Nov. 20th) (travel time 23 hours)

Tues. November 20th -- ferry from Vancouver to Victoria (travel time: 1 ½ hours)

either direction: 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm

Victoria Reading

Solstice Cafe, 529 Pandora Street, 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Wed. November 21st -- 1st Vacouver Reading

disjunct! Performance Series

Spartacus Books, 319 West Hastings, 2nd floor, 7:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick and Natalie Zina Walschots

People's Co-Op Bookstore

1391 Commercial Driver, 7pm

William Neil Scott

Thurs. November 22nd -- 2nd Vancouver Reading

Cafe Montmartre, 4362 Main Street, 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sun. November 25th -- Vancouver to Calgary depart 2pm arrive 4:20pm (local) (travel time 1 hour 20 minutes)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Nearly Final Tour Schedule

Tour Schedule

Sun. October 14th – Calgary Launch of Wonderfull

The Auburn Saloon, 7pm

William Neil Scott

Fri. October 26th – Calgary Launch of Thumbscrews

Pages Books, 1135 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, AB, 7:30pm

Natalie Zina Walschots

Sun. October 28th – Calgary to Montreal depart 1:10am arrive 4:10am (7:10 local)

(travel time: 4 hours)

1st Montreal Reading

Coach House Books Montreal Fall Launch

The Green Room, The Green Room, 5386 St. Laurent, Montreal, QC, 7:30 p.m.

Snare Books: Natalie Zina Walschots, ryan fitzpatrick, and Jay MillAr

Coach House: Jessica Westhead, Cara Hedley, David McGimpsey, Sarah Lang and Greg MacArthur

Vehicule Press: Andrew Hood

Mon. October 29th -- 2nd Montreal Reading

Paragraphe Bookstore, 2220 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, QC 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Tues. October 30th – Montreal to Quebec City depart 12:30pm arrive 3:30pm (travel time: 3 hours)

Quebec City Reading

La Maison Anglaise/The Morrin Centre, 44 chaussée des Écossais, 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Wed. October 31st – Quebec City to Montreal depart 1pm arrive 4pm

(travel time: 3 hours)

Thurs. November 1st – Montreal to Ottawa depart 10am arrive 12 noon

(travel time: 2 hours)

Ottawa reading

Max Middle's A B reading series

Art Gallery of the Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa ON 7:30pm - 9:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, and William Neil Scott

Fri. November 2nd – Ottawa to Toronto depart 12:30pm arrive 5pm

(travel time: 4 ½ hours)

Mon. November 5th – Indiepolitik: Strong Words reading series

The Gladstone Art Bar (1214 Queen Street West, Toronto ON) 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, Jay MillAr and William Neil Scott

Tues. November 6th -- 2nd Toronto Reading

York University, 2pm

Wednesday, November 7th Toronto to Windsor depart 12 noon arrive 4pm

(travel time: 4 hours)

Thursday, November 8th ---- 1st Windsor reading

The Oak Room, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON 3pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Friday November 9th -- 2nd Windsor reading

Milk Bar, 68 University Ave. West, Windsor, ON 7:00 pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sun. November 11th -- Windsor to London depart 10am arrive 11:40am

(travel time 1 hr 40 mins)

London to Winnipeg depart 1:30pm arrive 4pm (local)

(travel time 2/12 hours)

Tues. November 13th -- Winnipeg Reading

Aqua Books 89 Princess Street Winnipeg MB 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, William Neil Scott

Wed. November 14th -- Winnipeg to Saskatoon departs 5pm arrives 2am (Nov. 15th) (travel time 9 hours)

Thurs. November 15th -- Saskatoon reading

McNally Robinson 3130 8th Street East Saskatoon, SK 8:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sat. November 17th -- Saskatoon to Edmonton departs 2:30am arrives 8am

(travel time 6 ½ hours)

Edmonton Reading

Remedy Cafe, 8631 109 Street NW, Edmonton, AB 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Mon. November 19th -- Edmonton to Vancouver depart 9am arrive 8am (Nov. 20th) (travel time 23 hours)

Wed. November 21st -- 1st Vacouver Reading

disjunct! Perfromance Series

Spartacus Books, 319 West Hastings, 2nd floor, 7:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Thurs. November 22nd -- 2nd Vancouver Reading

Cafe Montmartre, 4362 Main Street, 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sun. November 25th -- Vancouver to Calgary depart 2pm arrive 4:20pm (local) (travel time 1 hour 20 minutes)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Updated Tour Schedule

Fri. October 26th – Calgary Launch of Thumbscrews

Pages Books, 1135 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, AB, 7:30pm

Natalie Zina Walschots

Sun. October 28th – Calgary to Montreal depart 1:10am arrive 4:10am (7:10 local)

(travel time: 4 hours)

1st Montreal Reading

Coach House Books Montreal Fall Launch

The Green Room, The Green Room, 5386 St. Laurent, Montreal, QC, 7:30 p.m.

Snare Books: Natalie Zina Walschots, ryan fitzpatrick, and Jay MillAr

Coach House: Jessica Westhead, Cara Hedley, David McGimpsey, Sarah Lang and Greg MacArthur

Vehicule Press: Andrew Hood

Mon. October 29th -- 2nd Montreal Reading

Paragraphe Bookstore, 2220 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, QC 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Tues. October 30th – Montreal to Quebec City depart 12:30pm arrive 3:30pm (travel time: 3 hours)

Quebec City Reading

La Maison Anglaise

Wed. October 31st – Quebec City to Montreal depart 1pm arrive 4pm

(travel time: 3 hours)

Thurs. November 1st – Montreal to Ottawa depart 10am arrive 12 noon

(travel time: 2 hours)

Ottawa reading

Max Middle's A B reading series

Art Gallery of the Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa ON 7:30pm - 9:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, and William Neil Scott

Fri. November 2nd – Ottawa to Toronto depart 12:30pm arrive 5pm

(travel time: 4 ½ hours)

Mon. November 5th – Indiepolitik: Strong Words reading series

The Gladstone Art Bar (1214 Queen Street West, Toronto ON) 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, Jay MillAr and William Neil Scott

Wednesday, November 7th Toronto to Windsor depart 12 noon arrive 4pm

(travel time: 4 hours)


hursday, November 8th 1st Windsor reading

The Oak Room, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON 3pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Friday November 9th 2nd Windsor reading

Milk Bar, 68 University Ave. West, Windsor, ON 7:00 pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sun. November 11th Windsor to London depart 10am arrive 11:40am

(travel time 1 hr 40 mins)

London to Winnipeg depart 1:30pm arrive 4pm (local)

(travel time 2/12 hours)

Tues. November 13th Winnipeg Reading

Aqua Books 89 Princess Street Winnipeg MB 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, William Neil Scott

(and local writer or muscial guest?)

Wed. November 14th Winnipeg to Saskatoon departs 5pm arrives 2am (Nov. 15th) (travel time 9 hours)

Thurs. November 15th -- Saskatoon reading

McNally Robinson 3130 8th Street East Saskatoon, SK 8:30pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sat. November 17th Saskatoon to Edmonton departs 2:30am arrives 8am

(travel time 6 ½ hours)

Edmonton Reading

Remedy Cafe, 8631 109 Street NW, Edmonton, AB 7pm

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Mon. November 19th Edmonton to Vancouver depart 9am arrive 8am (Nov. 20th) (travel time 23 hours)

Sat. November 24th Vancouver to Victoria (ferry) (travel time: 1 ½ hours)

Victoria reading

Sun. Nov. 25th Victorial to Vancouver (ferry) 7am, 9am or 11am

Vancouver to Calgary depart 2pm arrive 4:20pm (local) (travel time 1 hour 20 minutes)

November 29th-30th ryan fitzpatrick's book launch

December 1st or 2nd - Pirates, Burlesque, S&M, and Math

Ship & Anchor

December 7-8 Calgary Extravanganza

ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, William Neil Scott, Cara Hedley, Brea Burton, Jill Hartman, derek beaulieu, Glen Dresser, Riley Rossmo, Robert Majzels, Claire Huot, Diane Guichon,

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Tour Schedule so Far

Fri. October 26th – Calgary Launch of Thumbscrews
Pages Books, 1135 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, AB, 7:30pm
Natalie Zina Walschots

Sun. October 28th – Calgary to Montreal depart 1:10am arrive 4:10am (7:10 local)
(travel time: 4 hours)
Coach House Books Montreal Fall Launch
The Green Room, The Green Room, 5386 St. Laurent, Montreal, QC, 7:30 p.m.
Snare Books: Natalie Zina Walschots, ryan fitzpatrick, and Jay MillAr
Coach House: Jessica Westhead, Cara Hedley, David McGimpsey, Sarah Lang and Greg MacArthur
Vehicule Press: Andrew Hood

Tues. October 30th – Montreal to Quebec City depart 12:30pm arrive 3:30pm
(travel time: 3 hours)

Wed. October 31st – Quebec City to Montreal depart 1pm arrive 4pm
(travel time: 3 hours)

Thurs. November 1st – Montreal to Ottawa depart 10am arrive 12 noon
(travel time: 2 hours)
Ottawa reading
Max Middle's A B reading series
Art Gallery of the Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa ON 7:30pm - 9:30pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots, and William Neil Scott

Fri. November 2nd – Ottawa to Toronto depart 12:30pm arrive 5pm
(travel time: 4 ½ hours)

Monday, November 3rd -- Indiepolitik: Strong Words reading series

The Gladstone Art Bar, 1214 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON 7:30pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Jay MillAr, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Wednesday, November 7th Toronto to Windsor depart 12 noon arrive 4pm
(travel time: 4 hours)

Thursday, November 8th 1st Windsor reading
The Oak Room, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON 3pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Friday November 9th 2nd Windsor reading
Milk Bar, 68 University Ave. West, Windsor, ON 7:00 pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sun. November 11th Windsor to London depart 10am arrive 11:40am
(travel time 1 hr 40 mins)
London to Winnipeg depart 1:30pm arrive 4pm (local)
(travel time 2/12 hours)

Wed. November 14th Winnipeg to Saskatoon departs 5pm arrives 2am (Nov. 15th)
(travel time 9 hours)

Thursday November 15th Saskatoon Reading

McNally Robinson Saskatoon, 3130 8th Street East, Saskatoon, SK 8:30pm
ryan fitzpatrick, Natalie Zina Walschots and William Neil Scott

Sat. November 17th Saskatoon to Edmonton departs 2:30am arrives 8am
(travel time 6 ½ hours)

Mon. November 19th Edmonton to Vancouver depart 9am arrive 8am (Nov. 20th)
(travel time 23 hours)

Sat. November 24th Vancouver to Victoria (ferry)
(travel time: 1 ½ hours)

Sun. Nov. 25th Victorial to Vancouver (ferry) 7am, 9am or 11am

Vancouver to Calgary depart 2pm arrive 4:20pm (local)
(travel time 1 hour 20 minutes)

Thurs. Nov. 29th End-of-Tour Celebration